Clancy Doyle O'Donnell

Sacramento Personal Injury Lawyers, Attorneys
Based in Sacramento, California, Clancey, Doyle & O’Donnell specializes in representing the injured. The personal injury cases we have handled include auto accidents, big rig and trucking accidents, defective products, insurance bad faith, motorcycle collisions, bicycle-related injuries, slip and falls, dog bites, premises liability, emotional distress, brain injury, product liability, wrongful death, and many other types of serious injuries.
Sacramento Employment Law
At the Clancey, Doyle & O’Donnell we have concentrated our practice in the field of employment law, enabling us to provide high quality service to our clients in a wide range of employment-related matters.
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(916) 922-9301 or toll free (800) necklaw (632-5529)

Clancy Doyle & O'Donnell
901 F Street Suite 120
Sacramento, CA 95814
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